Graphic Design

Nihonbashi is a highly acclaimed snowboard brand that originated in Japan. The company prides itself on producing snowboards that are not only of exceptional quality but are also environmentally sustainable. These boards are crafted using biodegradable and recyclable materials such as virgin bamboo and sustainable wood. The brand's dedication to eco-friendliness extends to its designs, which are inspired by the ancient Japanese culture of the Samurai. Each snowboard features hand-drawn brush strokes and a watercolor look that imbues it with an authentic and sophisticated feel. Nihonbashi's commitment to sustainability and design excellence make it a standout brand in the snowboarding world.
As the designer of the brand, my objective was to create a compact and refined design that accurately portrays the identity of Nihonbashi. I crafted a stylish logo by dividing the brand name into two, resulting in a unique design that encapsulates the essence of the brand. To capture the Japanese aesthetic, I incorporated brushstrokes and graphic elements that represent the cultural significance of Nihonbashi. The final result is a visually appealing design that not only accurately represents the brand but also resonates with its intended audience. It is a testament to the brand's identity and values.
Style Guide
Web Design